"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deut. 6:6, 7
Daughter of the King
The daily life of a wife, mother to 3 boys, children's minister and daughter of the King
Wednesday, July 05, 2023
Random parenting thoughts today
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deut. 6:6, 7
Thursday, March 09, 2023
Following a Cloud!
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
He Changed My Name
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Jesus is our Good Shepherd
Its been awhile! I'm not even sure anyone blogs any more. I love writing shorter devotionals on Facebook for different groups, or just my friends. But today's thoughts were longer than I would want to write on a short Facebook post.
As a separate point before I get to the devotional, over the last year I have been reading a devotional book by Chris Tiegreen, Praying in Faith. I normally don't like devotional books because they can be shallow but his are so good. And it was just what I needed over the last year that has been difficult (that's for another post another day). But I realized recently that as good as it was, I missed being in the Word of God. I would read a verse here and there, but I missed being all in, in a chapter or book. I've read through the Bible with a group of ladies the last few years, and I realized that I missed hearing God's word directly to me. So I jumped back in, and started with the book of John. Now to today's thoughts.
John 10 today, and the first half is Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He was trying to describe himself to these people in terms they would understand (but they still didn't.) He describes how the shepherd leads his sheep and they know his voice, how the shepherd guards the gate and goes ahead of them to lead them. The good shepherd would lay down his life for his sheep, unlike the hired hand who would run away if a wolf came to attack.
John 10:10 is right in the middle "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." I memorized that verse in Seminary for a class, and I've turned to it in hard times. But in my head I envisioned a thief coming into my house or my car. I envisioned the devil following me around and taking my joy, comfort, peace. And all of that is a true picture of what the thief does. BUT...
This verse in context is talking about the shepherd and the sheep! The thief sneaks into the pasture to steal and kill the sheep. The good shepherd guards the pasture from the thief, the wolf. Its a metaphor of SHEEP. And when I started thinking of it that way, all the other verses where God's word talks about sheep starting popping in my head. Matthew 18 says the shepherd would leave the 99 to go after the one dumb sheep who wanders away. Psalm 23 talks beautifully about the shepherd who leads the sheep to green pastures, quiet waters, down the right paths. He comforts the sheep with his rod and staff. He prepares a table for them in the presence of their enemies. And that is what it means to have a full life. Other versions of John 10:10 say abundant life, fullest measure, a life that is full and good. God's Word Translation says "A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need."
Jesus came to give us life! To have green pastures, quiet waters, comfort, rest and life to the fullest! The thief will come after us, life will not always be quiet and calm, but Jesus can bring us peace and rest even in the midst of hard times. And He is our shepherd, guarding us from the thief, leading us away from the dangerous places if we will listen to his voice.
While reading that was encouraging, I got more excited about reading that one verse in context and then thinking how other parts of scripture went with it. God's word is living and active. It all goes together. He repeats himself often because we aren't the sharpest. He wants us to read his love letter to us, listen to his voice and live the abundant life he has for us!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
George, the Pandemic, and Easter
That last post was written in 2012. Almost 8 years later most of those plants are still alive and kicking. But this post is about George... and Easter. If you didn't want to read those posts (and I wouldn't blame you) I'll catch you up. I name my plants. The one I have had the longest is George. George was given to me by my husband on my first birthday after we were married, so I have now had him for 23 years. He has been on his death bed a few times, but always rallied and came back. But I really thought I had lost him this last time.
Basically George was dead a few weeks ago. I think I had left my plants outside when it dropped down below freezing one too many times. Or maybe they got rained on during the monsoon season too much. Or maybe it was the gnat infestation that got him. Or possibly the squirrels that thought my potted plants were a garden to dig in. Either way, George seemed to be a gonner. My kids told me to throw him away and have a funeral service. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't want to give up on him.
The other plants were struggling too, but they weren't past the point of no return yet as George seemed to be. So I tried all kinds of things to revive him. I took him out of his pot and gave him fresh soil, that's when I discovered the gnats. No difference. Gave him plant food, nothing changed. I finally took him apart into three pieces. I left one piece in his original pot, and I'm sad to say, I can now throw that away. Another piece I put in a glass of water. While it has not died yet, it is not growing, so I'm not sure how much longer it can hang on. But the third piece I put in a bowl from my kitchen in fresh soil and decided to put all my attention on it. Every day I check it, water it, move it inside or outside depending on weather. And for weeks I saw no change. The one piece left was still green, but it wasn't growing. I was just about to give up, and have that funeral service when I walked outside and saw this.
There, in the middle, George is growing again. I almost cried.
Its very symbolic of everything going on right now. With this pandemic, everything seems sad and lost and dying. We drove by the baseball fields today and I cried. And I know my boys not playing baseball is nothing compared to people losing their businesses, or being separated from their families, or being sick and actually dying. The past few weeks at work have been so stressful and sad and dark. But we know that eventually, we will come back to life. And I promise I will never again complain about too many baseball games!
We listened to Max Lucado last night on TV. He talked about Good Friday, Silent Saturday and Celebration Sunday. Watching George reminded me of Silent Saturday. We can't see what's going on in the dark. We think all hope is dead. We think we might as well give up, walk away and have a funeral service. We think we might live in this sad time forever. But God wants to remind us that we are in the waiting time. We might be in the dark, not seeing that seed that is coming back to life. We might not know when this time will end, but it will end. The light will come back. Our hope is in our Savior, who defeated death, won victory over sickness, and will give us strength and endurance during the waiting, during the silence. And just when we think its time to give up, life will come bursting forth! Tomorrow is Celebration Sunday, and it will be different as far as Easters go. But soon, when all of this is over, we will have an indescribable Celebration as we gather together again, loving our friends and community face to face, and celebrating the goodness of God.
My plant wasn't dead, just overwhelmed with his surroundings. Patience, care, love, endurance and LIGHT is bringing him back. May we rest in God's light this Easter and as we endure and wait during this time. Can't wait to see how we all grow and thrive when this is over. Happy Easter!
Thursday, April 09, 2020
Covid Update #2
On the home front, I have been really impressed with how the boys have been handling their at home time. They really crave their school work, and are keeping up. Campbell is in band and is practicing as I type this, and sending videos to his band teacher. We have a new drum set and he's been spending lots of time in the garage. He's also found a game on the computer where he writes songs with different sounds. Cade has been spending time in the kitchen baking. And he's made dad go buy wood and has built some apparatus to use in the garage for baseball. Coop has painted a beautiful picture, has led an online FCA meeting, has had zoom calls with his fellow incoming MC freshmen, and still has legit dual credit college classes he's finishing up. And all three of them go outside everyday and hit or throw. We don't talk about baseball much though. We would probably all cry if we think too much about it. And Jason has been helping them all where he can while having church zoom meetings all day.
Easter is Sunday. It came fast. It will be different and quiet. I haven't had a lot of time this week to think about it, but I was in a zoom call tonight with my life group and we read Luke 24. When we read verses 5 & 6 "Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but he has risen," I got a little choked up and probably would have fallen apart had there not been 12 other squares of people who could see me. It just was overwhelming to think of that. He was dead and came back to life. I was dead and he brought me back to life. I didn't go from bad to good, I went from dead to alive. More on that another day.
Random parenting thoughts today
I love it when I read scripture and a short passage or even a word jumps out at me and I have to camp out there awhile. Here's the verse...
I joined facebook. I have a friend who moved to Singapore and joined facebook and asked me to, so I did. And within two hours I had so many ...
If you have a minute, could you say a prayer for my friend George? George is a plant. Jason bought George for me my very first birthday afte...
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. Subtitle "Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life" This is a no...