Monday, October 31, 2016

Let's try again..

It's been over a year since I've blogged. I would apologize, but there is no reason to. I've been in a wonderful routine of work, ministry, parenting, school and sports, and blogging just didn't fit in. But its been on my heart to start again, mostly just sharing my journal entries as I have my quiet times. Don't be deceived. I'm not in a great routine with that, and I'm hoping by sharing some here that it will hold me more accountable. Some days it may be a stream of consciousness, so don't judge me by my grammar or sentence structure. And I won't always be able to post here, because not everything is for public consumption. But maybe something will help someone.

Most of the time for my quiet time I do our church's reading plan. You can go to and look at the L3 reading for the day if you want to join me. You're welcome to! And then we can talk together about what we've read.

Psalm 130:3-5 "If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope." NIV
4-5 in the Message "If you, God, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped. I pray to God- my life a prayer- and wait for what he'll say and do."

NIV notes in my Bible on "feared" - "honored, worshiped, trusted and served as the one true God. If God were not forgiving, people could only flee from him in terror."

Praise you God for being forgiving, no matter what I do. You're love for me is not conditional. It doesn't run out. I can't do something so bad that you check out on me. Forgiveness is your habit. The fact that you have the power to forgive makes me fear you. Forgiveness is hard. But its not hard for you. You don't struggle to forgive me. Its who you are. Thank you Father.

My soul waits, my life a prayer, waiting for what you'll say and do. I want to live in expectation of what you'll do in my life and the world around me. You are good and your love and forgiveness are amazing.

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Random parenting thoughts today

I love it when I read scripture and a short passage or even a word jumps out at me and I have to camp out there awhile. Here's the verse...