Donald talked about how our lives are stories. A great story includes a lead character, and objective or goal, conflict and a resolution. In our stories, we are the lead character obviously. But what kind of lead character are we, a hero or a villain? A hero will never think of himself as better than other people. As soon as he does, he becomes a villain. What is our objective or goal in life? People wouldn't want to read a story about someone whose main goal in life is to buy a certain car. We want something we can root for. He said to know what someones goal or passion is, is to ask if they die, what dies with them? What is our conflict in life? God invented conflict. He let Adam be lonely for awhile so he would appreciate Eve. He let the Israelites struggle leaving Egypt and wandering in the desert so they would appreciate God. Some conflict we bring on ourselves as a consequence of our sin. But a lot of conflict is God's way of teaching us, or growing us. Our lives and our stories would be boring without some kind of conflict. And the resolution... our lives are all about the journey. The point of our story is how we changed through the conflict. That's what makes a good story. He used the story of Joseph to illustrate all of this. The true story of Joseph, which coincidentally I have been studying in Sunday School, is a wonderful story because of his goal of fulfilling his childhood dream, his struggles and conflict because of his brothers and other people, and the resolution is amazing, not only where he ends up, but the kind of person he has become because of his conflict. Great sermon. That was just Friday night! There are two more sermons I will post about another day.
The really inspiring part was a side session I went to with Margaret Feinburg I think. She has written some books, one called the "Organic God", which I want to read someday so I will tell you how it is. Her session was on how to get published. Some of you might know that I enjoy writing, and have secret dreams of writing a book someday. The main point she made that inspired me was to write an hour a day, even when you don't feel like it. Hence, why I will try to blog more often, about deeper things than just my three year old pooping in the potty! I actually was given an invitation about a month ago to submit some samples to see if I could write some curriculum for the Sunday School material that we are using at our church, put out by Student Life. But I have not had time since to even fill out the application! So I don't know if this is my time of life to do that specifically, but I do need to write more often, just to keep my brain and creativity active. Hopefully you will enjoy reading some deeper things, but I will continue to update you on the family.
Oh, the worship band at the conference was Addison Road. They did worship for us at FBC Richardson for two years, and they are so awesome now. They are working on an album with the same label as Mercy Me which will be out in Feb. Start listening for them on the radio in November. They are excellent! It was really good to see them again. We are some of their groupies!
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