Sunday, May 18, 2008

Last week of school...

This is my last week of school, and I am so excited! I remember this time last year I was in mourning that summer was coming, what was I going to do with my children all summer, how was I going to survive without my "alone" time when they were in school. But I am so ready to have everyone home for awhile, not to have to make lunches, to have time to spend with the kids doing fun things, to have some time to get things organized around the house. We will have plenty of things to do at church during the week, and then the extras, like library, playdates, park, etc. I am really looking forward to it. And because they can play so well by themselves now, I am not as concerned about having alone time. I really want to get a routine down where we aren't watching too much tv, rest time, etc. Cooper has three more weeks left, so I will have two weeks to get a schedule set up before he's home. I will also have some projects to work on. I'm teaching a Bible study this summer, VBS is at the end of June, and I'm directing the babies to 3's, so I have some stuff to get ready for that. And I have committed to teaching at the weekday preschool teacher training starting Aug. 25th, yes, that's a week after my due date. So, yes, please pray that Campbell comes three weeks early like Cade did. That would be so perfect! So I have a lot of prep work for that. So, hopefully there will be enough to do this summer to stay busy, yet have plenty of time for rest and fun too. I'm really getting that nesting instinct. I am ready to clean out some closets! Come help if you want!

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Random parenting thoughts today

I love it when I read scripture and a short passage or even a word jumps out at me and I have to camp out there awhile. Here's the verse...