I'm enjoying my last hour of quiet and alone time in my house before the boys are home for summer. They technically have a few hours in the morning, but we are still debating whether its worth getting up for. I can't believe we have finished another school year, our first full year in MS. It was a wonderful year for all of us.
Jason still loves his job. His team is finally complete, and the student ministry is growing, with students being baptized almost weekly. He traveled to Dallas with middle school in March, and will go with high school to Atlanta this month for mission trips. We are so excited for student camp in July when we will all go to FL. We can't wait to sit under Louie Giglio's teaching and worship with Kristian Stanfill and the Passion Band! What an incredible opportunity!
The boys had a great year in school, all As, learned a lot. Cade was voted to his Student Council, Cooper participate in Academic Quiz Bowl, played trombone, and Campbell loved his teacher which translated to much better behavior. Cade will play percussion in band next year, and he and Campbell both made the gifted program for next year.
Baseball is all consuming this spring, as usual, and will not be slowing down. Cooper and Cade are both finishing up their seasons with their select teams, about a month left. Neither team has been hugely successful, but they have both improved, and made new friends. Campbell's coach pitch team won their season ending tournament, only lost one game the whole season. He plays really well if he can focus and stop talking! But the big, huge news is that after two days of tryouts, Cooper made the Northwest Rankin 8th Grade baseball team for next year! Its a really big deal, and he can see his high school and college baseball career beginning. Its going to be a lot of hard work and time, but he is ready. I just don't know if we are!
That leaves me I guess. The fact that I haven't blogged in months shows my status, crazy busy! But I wouldn't trade it. I finished up our school year in MMO and childcare this past week. I'll still work over the summer, but less more flexible hours. The year flew by, and it was filled with ups and downs. It is still my dream job, and I thank God everyday for it. We made lots of changes, ministered to many parents and children, loved on tons of babies. Most things I expected, but the part I didn't expect was how much I would have to invest in my teachers lives, not have to, but get to. I have 45 employees to shepherd and I had no idea what that meant really. There were births, deaths, joys and sadness, prayers in the hallway, texts in the early morning. I can't really go into all of it because they aren't my stories, but I was honored and scared and overwhelmed to be in the midst of some of their stories. And I couldn't have done it without God's strength. I don't think I did it all right, but it is what it is. Hopefully I did what God wanted. I am so excited for getting organized this summer and can't wait for next year! God has already done so much to prepare next year to be even better, and I can't wait for the ride!
I also have my Trades of Hope business. Because of baseball season and my ministry job, its taken a back seat in the last months, which I hate. I am trying to rebuild it over the summer. I found out last week that I was chosen to go with a small group of Compassionate Entrepreneurs to Guatemala in September to meet our artisans there, and I am so excited about that! My team hasn't taken a break though, and my ladies have been recruiting like crazy! I love meeting new people and watching their passion for helping artisans around the world take off and grow. I am looking for hostesses to have online and home parties so I can get my business back up if anyone is interested. Everything worth something takes hard work, and I am trying!
Me and my dog are watching the clock for 20 more minutes before the house gets louder and messier. But it promises to be a great summer with ministry, worship, fun and baseball! I'll try to blog more. If not for you, for me. It helps me review all that God is doing, and hopefully remember to give Him the glory for all of it!