Saturday, July 28, 2007

What day is it?

I can remember looking at my summer calendar back in April, and thinking that it looked long and empty, and whatever would we do with all that time. And now, it is about to be August, and this has been the busiest summer I can remember. VBS, visiting grandparents, vacation, preschool conference, sickness, Dallas, and I'm sure I've left out something. We still have Preschool Playdays next week that I am directing, a wedding in Shreveport, a quick trip to San Antonio, and getting ready for kindergarten events. I am tired. And actually ready for school to start back, just to have that routine where everything is the same for two weeks in a row. Yes, I know, in October I will say how bored I am of the routine, but I won't think of that right now.

Oh, I know what I forgot. Potty training. Oh yes, nothing makes all of those things listed above more fun than potty training a three year old boy who really doesn't care that you are in a public place with a bathroom you would rather not use. Or that you just stopped at a restaurant five minutes ago, and now he needs to go. Oh wait, that's the 5 year old boy. The 3 year old boy has brought me to my knees praying that he will be brave enough to do #2 on the potty and stop hiding in closets and behind furniture. The fun adventures of a preschool mom's summer!

1 comment:

ashley said...

who's wedding is in shreveport? anyone i know?

Random parenting thoughts today

I love it when I read scripture and a short passage or even a word jumps out at me and I have to camp out there awhile. Here's the verse...